Portfolio Design - NEED Feedback!

This is my new design for my online portfolio which i am currently doing.

So far iv had many designs and i thin this is by far the most creative and best looking design which i have come up with. It would be great if any one has feed back for me on…!!!

Thank - You Ben


Okay Nice start there, good Idea.

But If I look at it closly, I do not like the background so much, maybe add a picture of a leef, a good quality picture in the background, and the main menu “navigation” you know the lines that are between every button, ( | )
Change the colour to fit the menu, make it more unseen, and change its colour to maybe white but transpirment, u see the line a bit. You know what I mean !

But Good start there I like the idea and the look.

Good Luck ! :pleased:


the black border doesn’t match your layout. i’ll recommend removing it.
the menu blastboy was describing will better fit your layout :slight_smile:

other than looking good!

nice colouruse, i pretty much agree with blastboy, but if you do decide to keep that background, i’d lose the bright white & blue, the white is a bit hard on the eyes, and the blue doesn’t really fit your green colourscheme, but other than that, nice job :thumb:

Alright thanx guys - ill have a play around with it and use your idea’s to see how it looks - i will post it up again with the changes.

Thanx- Again

Yea I agree about the blue and I’d also like to add that I think it might look better if the site kind of flowed into the background. I mean the blurriness of the pic and and the sharp border of the site seem a little off.

I have chnaged a few things like the background image like someone said i should maybe change to a leaf or something. So i went out into dad’s garden and took about 30 shots and i found one i liked.

So is this anybetter???

Nothing have changed my friend, dont u test if u have uploaded the right file? :d:

yeah sorry bout that - check it now its up

click here to see it

yeah, i like it man, way better then before :thumb:
and maybe (don’t know whether or not you were planning to do this) you can chance the pic depending on the page someone is viewing, it just gives it that extra touch imo :slight_smile:

Yeh it would look really cool ben if the pic changed on each page, thats exactly what im doing with mine. Then both of ours would be cool, unlike the rest of the tripe submitted at the course.



Sweet - good idea - thanx again - ill keep it in mind - and take some more photos…

that’ll be $ 175 please…

nah, just kiddin’ man :stuck_out_tongue:
good luck with the site :wink:

hahahaahahah - lol

thanx for your help!!

I’m not feelin’ this picture and in general I really don’t like setting pictures as background with the body text on top. It’s difficult to read and bad form imo.

Also, how about a logo and making your navigation a little more exciting. Even with that big picture the whole thing feels kind of stark.

it looks much better! :slight_smile:
but still needs work.

Yea im currently trying to think of a logo - im still yet to play around with the navigation

Hey B3N Kobe… See about the menu thing… If yer makin em into links (n 99% chances r that’s the way it’s gonna be)… I have an idea for ya if u wanna take it… About the separate transparent buttons that you’ve made… They have separation in between them and the lines r clearly visible…
Do on thing to avoid this…
If yer using PS or whateva… Just put the text and on a layer below that… Make a rectangle of the width of the whole text… As in the total width of all the buttons n stuff…

Then in Dreamweaver or somethin like that… Make image maps for the menu…

That’ll get rid of the hassle of makin seaprate things n also the ugly lines in between…

Hope my crap has been helpful…


thanx - thelonephoenix - that has helped me alot - and its good cos i dont have those ugly lines… Thanx HEAPS Again - Ben !

Hi Guys - After a week of going crazy from trying to still think of a design iv come up with another design - which i like alot better than the first one. I have also created my on logo for the site. This interface is still in development so yeah its not all completed yet. If any one had any ideas on anything then tell me. So come on peoples tell me now that it sucks…:ne:

Click Here To See It