Side scroller game~

Hey there, first post on Kirupa. ^^

So I’m working on a simple side scrolling game for class. I’m brand new to Flash and don’t know much about scripting, so I though I’d ask you good people for some help!

Basically, you are a fox running through the woods, jumping over various obstacles until you get to your little fox-hole at the end of the level.

[*]How does one go about making the background scroll only when the character is moving? (essentially, the character only looks like he’s running, but he’s always in the center of the screen, and the background moves behind him)

[*]The background also consists of many layers, e.g. hills in the faaar background that move slower than trees in the front. I’m having a hard time synching these up? When I test the video, objects tend to drop out:

[*]And does anyone have any handy codes for triggering movement with the keyboard? As in, spacebar to jump, arrow keys to move forward and backward (left and right arrows)?

So many questions! Thanks for your time! I really really appreciate it!! <3:love_heart: