ive been trying to figure out how to make a scrolling backround but i cant figure it out…if someone could explain to me what to do that would be great…
Do you mean adding a scrollbar to your background or making a background that moves itself?
making a backround that moves by itself
Well, there’s a few million different possibilities. When making backgrounds in flash, for me, it’s basically just putting down what you want on the bottom layer so that everything else you have in your movie will be on top of it.
Now, making that move, you can either make your background graphic to cover the frame, or beyond the frame; make it a movieClip and tween it around wherever or however you like! If you want, you can add actions to that MC to make it move to a certain area or randomly.
Some of the best that I’ve seen usually use random movement like mine: (if you are dialup, it takes a couple to load):
It’s basically just making a few MC and tell them to move around by themselves. The tut is here:
This is where you design. Good luck!
Layers can get way to jammed together and confoozling. I use the good ol’ tween-in-a-movieclip-and-use-masking!