i like 'em :beam:
i like 'em :beam:
same here
eh… this was kind of a re-post, though its alot cleaner then the other thread… :beam:
How you make?
hmm, i used cinema 4d to make a nice 3d object, then i used a grunge tutorial to make the grunge, i added the eye for effect, and i nested the text in a horozontal line… also i added a touch of darkish brown-orange to give it that musty… dirty look!
it was an adventure, i learnt a few things…
ahh nive i love grunge!
i like it:)
What grunge tutorial, there are thousands?
grunge cannot be captured in a tutorial, thats why i love it…but it still looks good, but for reall grunge you have to just have to do it
not sure where i got the tut from, but it goes sumthin like this:
noise>add noise (17, uniform, mono)
stylize>emboss (135, 10, 100%)
distort>diffuse glow (6, 10, 15)
duplicate the layer, on the top layer do:
artistic>palette knife (25, 3, 0)
change the top layers opacity to 80, merge, then go to:
select>color range>highlights, or midtones
create new layer, fill the selection with black, or any color
that only starts grunge, its not a full grunge tut, grunge is more than that dirty dark look
good luck and have fun
hmm, thats something that i never heard of. i useually do all my effects using the brushes and maybe a few colours and burns and such…i will have to try this…
hmm that does werk, but to tell you the truth i did just about the same thing using only brushes in about half the time…but i will be using this off and on in the middle of my grunge possibly…
nice work…
yea, i never do grunge, so i decided to start with a tut… i think it creates a nice effect, though as i said… the dirty stuff aint the whole grunge
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