(sigh) Platformer battle anyone?

So few game battles here. So very very few. I’m currently making (battle rule broken #1) a little platformer (for myself because I bore easily). Nothing revelutionary, 1 level plus crappy controls. Really I want to find out how good I really am making flash games… really.

cruddy platformer

controls: Space = jump, ctrl = sword. Sword kills white things but not red things.

Nicely drawing :wink: and the game play isn’t bad at all :smiley:

but make a skip story button so if you go game over you don’t have to weit for it :stuck_out_tongue:


haha, that is pretty cool

Thanks for the kind words. Sorry I meant to put the skip story button in before posting. I’ll get that done as soon as I get home. That and allow the character to stab things whilst standing still and not holding a direction. But I hope someone challenges me.

So is this a competition or what coz I’ll enter if its any game battle

if I have some time I might attmept a platformer, I’ve always kind of wanted to make one… I might even have an ok idea for one now. the real question though - CAN I? I honestly do not know.

I’m not standing in anyone’s way. Enter all you like. I like battles anyways, they sound fun.

added an option to skip cutscenes and I’ve also added shrink, jump/runX2 and reduce jump height/speed powerups. I’ll put them to practical use when I make the second level which, in the spirit of unbridled cliche, will be a factory level. The previous posted link should work fine since I upload to the same location.

And what’s the idea? I won’t plagerise… honest.

…so… is this a battle yet because I sent a pm to a moderator like 3 weeks ago.

…Setting up battles is so very very undocumented