Sight of the Week?

*Originally posted by ilyaslamasse *
**No seriously, we should talk about what you know where you know :stuck_out_tongue: **


*Originally posted by ilyaslamasse *
**You have a point, Rev. Maybe we should have moderators for this forum particularly? :sigh: [SIZE=1]points to Rev[/SIZE] **

I would gladly mod this area (however, I am not a mod), but I think the person who mods the SOTW section should have won it at least onceā€¦ So he/she can say with authority what is neededā€¦

I think people need feedback on why the sites win, or not, so that they can create better web sites in the future.

again, my opinion,


Originally posted by ilyaslamasse
No seriously, we should talk about what you know where you know

Originally posted by lostinbeta

LIES ALL LIES!!! I knoW AboUT The SEcrEt GesTaPo SeCrET CounCil!! :hat: You CaN"t HiDe It FrOm Us!!


Sooo sorry guys! This and Site Check used to be my favorite sectionsā€¦ which is why Kirupa [sort of, kind of] assigned them to me. Iā€™ve been really busy in the past couple monthsā€¦ being laid off isnā€™t easy! Plus I have since been disenchanted with site critique and only give my opinions when the recipient seems to be open to actual constructive criticism. I do recall giving you a critique in the Site Check, rev. But if your SOTW submission was recent, Iā€™m sorry for overlooking it. However I do still think your hard work is very worthy of a critique and Iā€™m sorry that you didnā€™t receive the feedback you deserve.

Anyways, aside from my critiques and general modding (ie: deleting double posts, etc), I really donā€™t have a say in who gets the award. Iā€™m uncertain about the ā€œofficial-nessā€ my post is here, but I do my best. In my recent lack of time, I was concerned that I was doing a poor modding job but my fellow mods ensured me that ā€œthey got my back.ā€ Where are you people? Apparently my absence has upset some people and ā€œainā€™t nobodyā€™s got my back!ā€

One more thing: I am a previous SOTW winner.

I know youā€™re busy Ren (You were the main reason I put the previous winner mention)ā€¦

My point was that now three weeks have gone by, no one has won SOTWā€¦

That makes it SOTmonth?

If I didnā€™t win, I would like to know why, not just ā€œclean professional site.ā€

there, my rant is over.

[SIZE=1]I wonā€™t be entering any more sites thoā€¦[/SIZE]


Rev: your feedback concerning the organization of this feature is greatly appreciated. Weā€™re cooking up something betterā€¦

Thatā€™s what I heard from Lostā€¦

thanks for keeping me informedā€¦


Yeah, so far we are coming up with a plan that seems to be working out in our heads.

When this plan will be initiated, who knows, but it is going to be much more organized and easy to follow than it is now.

Iā€™m sure it will be betterā€¦

Thanks for taking a look at the systemā€¦



i dont know ya, so i hope you can take this as an unbiased & rookie perspective of the situationā€¦

  1. when ya read the paper its barely ever good newsā€¦ you just dont hear it, thats just human nature. when you do read about good news, its usually something pretty phenominal ā€¦

applying this to your situationā€¦ you havent heard anything bad or good, so i think its safe to say that you sites are satisfactory if not better than average but do not capture the very soul of the viewer and divinely inspire them to sing your praisesā€¦

i think you should humbly accept the non-response you have recieved realising that you are now capable of creating a website that most people will accept as a professional piece of work and cannot find fault with. You can then begin the next level of your designier evolution by focusing in on the little details of your creations and making them fantasticaly unique. soon enough you could have a minstrel quartet parading around your every post spreading song and legend of your valiant flash conquestsā€¦

i hope one day i will tooā€¦

  1. The problem with this Kirupa site of the mweek thing is that in any given week there is not a consistant amount of quality sitesā€¦ a lot of good attempts, but because they are judged against 4 or 5 other sites that could be of the same quality - they would win one week, but if had of been entered the week prior, it would have been overwhelmed by a world-class piece.

i think that the site should become bi-weekly or monthly if it is not possible to increase the amount of submissions per week. if it were to be monthly, 2nd place 3rd place and runner up awards could be given. this would also add to Kirupa Awards value simply because people would see an awesome 2nd place site and then go searching Kirupa for the one that beat itā€¦

i also think that there should be some criteria for entering, ā€¦if someone can produce a top quality site they should have to be contributing to the community to some degree. kindof a shame when someone can join, post 1 post in the site of the week and win it - never to return. perhaps if each submission had to have 5 links to posts within kirupa where the submiter has provided positive criticism to beginning designersā€¦ this way, atleast they have contributed back to the community a littleā€¦

I dunno, im new here, so i hope i dont come off as a sheep or somethingā€¦ but, i just think this is a great community and want to offer my ideas just incase they can help.



*Originally posted by sheep *
applying this to your situationā€¦ you havent heard anything bad or good, so i think its safe to say that you sites are satisfactory if not better than average but do not capture the very soul of the viewer and divinely inspire them to sing your praisesā€¦ **

Not necessarily true. I have seen a lot of sites which I did not critique because it was so bad, that I couldnā€™t find anything good about it and I wasnā€™t sure the person could handle constructive criticism. A lack of response indicates nothing about your site, good or bad.

**You can then begin the next level of your designier evolution by focusing in on the little details of your creations and making them fantasticaly unique. soon enough you could have a minstrel quartet parading around your every post spreading song and legend of your valiant flash conquestsā€¦ **

This is difficult to do if you donā€™t receive any feedback about your work. So revā€™s complaints about the lack of feedbacks is understandable. In fact, we restructured the function of SOTW entirely as a result.

**2) The problem with this Kirupa site of the mweek thing is that in any given week there is not a consistant amount of quality sitesā€¦ a lot of good attempts, but because they are judged against 4 or 5 other sites that could be of the same quality - they would win one week, but if had of been entered the week prior, it would have been overwhelmed by a world-class piece.

i think that the site should become bi-weekly or monthly if it is not possible to increase the amount of submissions per week. if it were to be monthly, 2nd place 3rd place and runner up awards could be given. this would also add to Kirupa Awards value simply because people would see an awesome 2nd place site and then go searching Kirupa for the one that beat itā€¦**

This facet of the Kirupaforum is not meant to be that grand. If we were to make it monthly, we would have so many submissions and it would be a burden to sort through so much. Doing it weekly keeps it simple and requires us to look at submissions one handful at a time. As far as second and third placeā€¦ well, people can easily look back at these threads. This would be much easier now that all submissions on a given week are together in one thread.

i also think that there should be some criteria for entering, ā€¦if someone can produce a top quality site they should have to be contributing to the community to some degree. kindof a shame when someone can join, post 1 post in the site of the week and win it - never to return. perhaps if each submission had to have 5 links to posts within kirupa where the submiter has provided positive criticism to beginning designersā€¦ this way, atleast they have contributed back to the community a littleā€¦

I personally donā€™t think Kirupaforum is lacking in ā€œcontributorsā€ but restriction submissions based on loyalty to the board would really lower the bar or quality of submissions. Not only that, this would require extra policing - again, we want to keep it simple.

old thread?

makĀ“s stunt?


well you couldnt disagree with me more :slight_smile:

renn, right?