Sigur Ros Live

i was able to see sigur ros live last night, and it was such an amazing experience (again, i saw them in august last year) i got some photo’s, uploading them atm, will post with a link to the flickr set.



hey you’re in melbourne… that means you were AT the gig that i WANTED to be at :stuck_out_tongue:
must’ve been pretty sweet, i’ve heard nothing but good stuff about their live performances.

hey hey, YES i was at the gig you WANTED to be at. hehe.

IF they come out again. dont miss out. cos its an amazing experience

what style of music is sigur ross ive heard of them - but not actually heard any of their stuff - arent they the ones from iceland?

yeh they are. well it seems really classical. but, they have been influenced by the beatles. and when you carefully analyze their music, its basically a pop general structure.
