Silhouette effect as seen in iPod adverts? Help!

Hello all.

I’ve been pondering over this problem for a good few months. My ultimate goal is to create a silhouette effect for a promotional video I am making, similar to the effect used in the iPod adverts. I’ve had no luck finding any advice or tutorials when it comes to video editing. I saw the effect used on a little flash movie, and thought I could create it in flash.

The flash movie can be seen here:

If anyone has any ideas how to create this in flash, or indeed in video using after effects or something, it would be greatly appreciated.


import a video to stage and ‘trace bitmap’ every frame.

then select everything that isnt a person and delete it.

go to and download some video to try it out

hope this helps :vamp:

I feel like a fool, but how do I ‘trace bitmap’? I’ve searched all over the program but cannot find it anywhere. :ponder:

Sorry. :cantlook:

modify>bitmap>trace bitmap
if u are running mx then i think just modify>trace bitmap

Thanks a whole bunch. This is exactly what I needed.


no problem, thats what we are here for, help each other

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