I was wondering if anyone knew how to take an image in photoshop and make it a silhouette? Like those groovy iPod commercials? I did it once before on accident and dont recall the process.
I was wondering if anyone knew how to take an image in photoshop and make it a silhouette? Like those groovy iPod commercials? I did it once before on accident and dont recall the process.
As always there is no one way to do it but here is how i do.
-Take the image of your person
-Crop out what you want as a silhouette
-go Image> Adjust> Brightness/contrast
-now drag the sliders till your image blacks out
Hope that helps
here is the result of what i jsut discribed
crop out the image
drag the brightness down and the contrast up
as sintax says, always more than 1 way to do something. Here’s what I would have done differently.
Pretty much the same up until the brightness step. Instead of
doing that, I would have changed the blending options to use a
color overlay.
Ya well my way involves a hot chick smart guy so my way is better;)
oh! oh! do i feel a burning sensation?? did I just get flamed by
sintax?? oh dear! oh my! you’ve had it mister. you’re in for it…
you really are! just as soon as I think of something witty to say.
gimme a few…
Take your time old man casue the fire is always on over here. I’ll flame you any time any day.
yeah, i like sintax’s way better
where’d u get that picture of my girlfriend btw?
lol @ Yeldarb
Yeah fork over the psd file of that croped Sintax321. :p:
That is a great crop job, good I am not that good with the free hand selector is that is how you did it.
Where did you get a photo of my mom Sintax321 btw?
hahah that was a blow to Yeldarb.
Yeldarb - right, sure. it produces the same result, but ok :sigh:
datapimp - why would sintax give you all his hard work? I’ll sell it
to you though…cheap. typical too, “great work how did you do it?” I’m surprised you didn’t just ask him to do it for you…oh wait, you did
sintax321 - where does the old man come from? who’s an old
man? and what’s this about you being a flamer now? I guess
the chick pic was a cover up huh? didn’t work buddy, you’re
exposed to the world for what you really are.
Just bring it.
it does produce a different result though just not on the screen…
“I guess
the chick pic was a cover up huh? didn’t work buddy, you’re
exposed to the world for what you really are.”
Now wonder Sintax321 was all mad at me, I don’t clash well with, um…you know.
datapimp: I don’t know exactly what TALIENTS are but you area master of one TALENT and that is spam. So take your useless posts to a different thread. Hell how about a different forum cause we don’t need you here. Serious Please go away you waste of skin spammer.
Unflux: I guess calling you and old man was a poor choice of words. Using the word MAN at all was a poor choice when refreing to you. Come on i’ve seen the pictures and you are the uglest drag queen i’v ever seen. I’m not flaming or a flamer the only thing on fire here is your from the wicked burns you are about to get sucka. I’m goign to take this to the third degree on you.
Back to topic. That picture is of a very beautiful person named Beverly Mahood. She is a country singer here in Canada.
is that all you got for me? a measely attempt at humor? drag queen? why are you trying to drag that into this? you don’t need
to be ashamed of what you are (or aren’t). stand up son, be
proud! you don’t know the half of what kind of man I am. but i’m
sure you’d love me to show you…ehhhh wrong!
go ahead and bend over, so you can take it like a man.
if this is your 3rd degree, i’m getting nothing but a tan cuz it’s
weak. I’ve gotten worse burns from looking at your pathetic work
much less reading your empty words. Get some sack man! say what you want to say…go ahead! tell everyone about the time
you dissappeared for a few hrs with that sheep.
We all know how you canadians like it. “How you like THAT, eh?”
What was that? That wasn’t a flame. That wasn’t even a spark. I’m using gasoline and a blow torch and you are using matches and the farts out of your a$s.
Gay jokes? Is that all you have for me. Why don’t you go back to the third grade when those jokes where even funny. Oh and I’m sure you would love to go to the third grade with you fondness for young boys. Come on we all know Michael Jackson is your hero.
My work pathetic? Oh no no Unflux. Who is always crying to me… Oh sintax can you show me how to make aged paper…….Oh sintax can you lend me one of your sinamps for a site….Oh sintax how do I make grunge work. Seems to me my work and skills are in demand by you. Of course when your skills are as week as yours you would have to ask for help all the time. I’ve seen you FLA’s, I’ve seen your PSD’s they are $hit. I wouldn’t even use them for toilet paper they are such garbage.
And your site, man how old is it like 2 years old now come on man get some thing original. Plus we all know you ripped it from that kid pixelmorder. You know the one you accused of ripping. I know for a fact you stole it from him you ripping bastard. You even e-mailed me and laughed about how you did it.
Fact is your flames old school just like your work. Burn sucka burn!!!
:evil: :evil:
*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**datapimp: I don’t know exactly what TALIENTS are but you area master of one TALENT and that is spam. So take your useless posts to a different thread. Hell how about a different forum cause we don’t need you here. Serious Please go away you waste of skin spammer.
Unflux: I guess calling you and old man was a poor choice of words. Using the word MAN at all was a poor choice when refreing to you. Come on i’ve seen the pictures and you are the uglest drag queen i’v ever seen. I’m not flaming or a flamer the only thing on fire here is your from the wicked burns you are about to get sucka. I’m goign to take this to the third degree on you.
Back to topic. That picture is of a very beautiful person named Beverly Mahood. She is a country singer here in Canada. **
Sintax, I was refering to the comment UNFLUX made and rightly I did.
Please don’t call my posts “spam” and tell me to go to another thread because you told me the same da** thing on the Random thread, so either ignore me, work around me or back the f*** off because I make descent posts and I feel I don’t need your crap about how I am not welcome on this forum.
Kirupa is big enough for all of us to be happy.
Please don’t refer to my posts like that AGAIN!
P.S. Pardon my French I am roally ticked.
Sintax321 where do you get off telling a great designer Unflux that his FLA’s and PSD’s are ***, you must be one ahole to even say such a rude comment to a person so nice to everyone.
You are a really mean person who will find out that being nice to people pays off.
it would be a shame to balck her out, keep her in glorious greyscale yum yum
*Originally posted by datapimp *
**Sintax321 where do you get off telling a great designer Unflux that his FLA’s and PSD’s are *, you must be one ahole to even say such a rude comment to a person so nice to everyone.
datapimp, seems to me they’re having a bit of a flame war… this kind of comment is pretty much to be expected
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