Silverlight in a C# application?

Hi i am new here and i have read the Blend tutorials, not all mind you, and i have read some Silverlight tutorials as well.

And i must say i like the idea of both of them, but it would be even better if i could do it in one.

To explain my self better…

Is there a way (in visual studio or blend) to add a silverlight application into a C# desktop application. Silverlight from what i know is web application only. So you would have your form all in C# and then say -> add -> silverlight file onto the form of the c# application. Then if possible lets say i have a custom button in Silverlight, could i communicate between the silverlight and C#.

I believe silverlight back end can be c# so id imagine this is possible. The reason why i want this is because i keep seeing these cool applications with buttons that look like are made with flash or silverlight. Nice smooth roll over, hover, down, up mouse events, almost look like small videos.

So in my mind it would be really cool for the entire GUI to be built in silverlight and then programmed in c#, but for use as a desktop application just like any other C# application.

Thank you in advance for any reply’s!!