Simple Animated Gif Style Image Fader in Actionscript!

Hi there,

This may seem veru basic but i am new to this!

I am aiming to create a looping array of images so that each fades in and fades out again … here is the code i have so far … it works EXCEPT … it stops at the end of the array and appears to jump or hop a little between images … want it to be smoother.

Can anyone help me? I am in need of a helping hand!

var aImages:Array = new Array("flashcontent.png", "flashcontent2.png", "flashcontent3.png");[/quote][quote]
var imageFolder = "../images/";
var fadeRate:Number = 1;
var imageCounter:Number = 0;
function imageFade (selectedImage) {
onEnterFrame = function()
selectedImage._alpha += fadeRate;
if (selectedImage._alpha > 100 )
fadeRate *= -1;
if (selectedImage._alpha < 6)
if (imageCounter>aImages.length-1)
onEnterFrame = null;
selectedImage._alpha = 0;
fadeRate *=-1;
mcContainer._alpha = 12;