Simple delay/setInterval?

I have 2 MC’s on the stage: mc_1 & mc_2.
Both have following action:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
    speed = 20;
    this._y += speed;
    if (this._y>=100) {
        this._y = 100;

How can I create a simple delay between
the 2 mc’s? setInterval?
Can anyone help me with this?



I’m not sure with movies but with my buttons I use this…

button0.onRollOver = function() {
_root.expiration = getTimer() + 1000; //
button0.onEnterFrame = count;
button0.onRollOut = function() {
button0.onEnterFrame = null;

function count() {
if (getTimer() > _root.expiration) {
…your code when delay is fulfilled…