I’ve got an mc in another mc who’s animation I want to delay for 20 frames, to let the main mc(the one its contained in) slide onto the stage first.
Lets call the main MC A and the mc inside that I want to delay MC B,
I’ve done a search on these forums and have found 2 possible codes which didn’t work, but that could have been the way I excecuted them:
delay = setInterval(playTimeline, 3000);
function playTimeline(){
I put this on the first frame of MC B. Unfortunately it caused MC A to restart after a few frames. And the MC B just stayed still. When I removed the stop action, the MC B began to play, but the MC A still jittered and restarted.
I also tried this one, which as I understand is to be put on the frame that is to be delayed:
[COLOR=DarkRed]start = getTimer();
while (start+3000>now) {
now = getTimer();
Didn’t work as I wanted it to. Basically, it delays the playing of my whole movie for the seconds indicated.
But I don’t want the whole movie delayed, just the MC B inside MC A.
Have I made myself clear? How is it to be done.