I love this website as I can find lots of useful tutorials. thanks Kirupa and others.
I am new too flash and don’t know much about it.
I did simple gallery ( from tutorial ) with arrows on the bottom and it works as a single swf file but when I am loading it into scene as external swf photos are not showing…
Also when photos are loading ( in the first case ) they load to left top corner ( registration position of the scene ) - this are in different shape so it would be good if they can load in the centre of the scene. Is there any way to add script to make it work in the centre of the scene.
This is the code I am using:
//Code written by sbeener (suprabeener)
i wrote this code, but you can use and abuse it however you like.
the methods are defined in the order which they occur to make it
easier to understand.
// variables ------------------------------------------
// put the path to your pics here, include the slashes (ie. "pics/")
// leave it blank if they're in the same directory
this.pathToPics = "pict/";
// fill this array with your pics
this.pArray = ["stosunki1.jpg", "stosunki2.jpg", "stosunki4.jpg"];
this.fadeSpeed = 20;
this.pIndex = 0;
// MovieClip methods ----------------------------------
// d=direction; should 1 or -1 but can be any number
//loads an image automatically when you run animation
loadMovie(this.pathToPics+this.pArray[0], _root.photo);
MovieClip.prototype.changePhoto = function(d) {
// make sure pIndex falls within pArray.length
this.pIndex = (this.pIndex+d)%this.pArray.length;
if (this.pIndex<0) {
this.pIndex += this.pArray.length;
this.onEnterFrame = fadeOut;
MovieClip.prototype.fadeOut = function() {
if (this.photo._alpha>this.fadeSpeed) {
this.photo._alpha -= this.fadeSpeed;
} else {
MovieClip.prototype.loadPhoto = function() {
// specify the movieclip to load images into
var p = _root.photo;
p._alpha = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = loadMeter;
MovieClip.prototype.loadMeter = function() {
var i, l, t;
l = this.photo.getBytesLoaded();
t = this.photo.getBytesTotal();
if (t>0 && t == l) {
this.onEnterFrame = fadeIn;
} else {
MovieClip.prototype.fadeIn = function() {
if (this.photo._alpha<100-this.fadeSpeed) {
this.photo._alpha += this.fadeSpeed;
} else {
this.photo._alpha = 100;
this.onEnterFrame = null;
// Actions -----------------------------------------
// these aren't necessary, just an example implementation
this.onKeyDown = function() {
if (Key.getCode() == Key.LEFT) {
} else if (Key.getCode() == Key.RIGHT) {
Please help!
Thank you