Simple hitTestPoint driving me nuts

Hi guys,
I’m just wondering why the first one doesn’t work? Is ‘hitTestPoint’ converting the point to global coordinates?

Maybe I’m tired, idk, but I’m having trouble wrapping my brain around this :confused:

Thanks in advance

//Testing first set of objects (children of the parentObj MovieClip) ->Not working
if(,, true))
    txt1.text = "Green Overlapping";

if(,, true))
    txt1.text = "Red Overlapping";

//Testing the second group (children of Main)  ->working
if(green.hitTestPoint(blue.x, blue.y, true))
    txt2.text = "Green Overlapping";
if(red.hitTestPoint(blue.x, blue.y, true))
    txt2.text = "Red Overlapping";