Most of my site I am using the actionscript command “loadMovie”
home_btn.onRelease = function() {
So far I have had success with everything doing this.
But I made a photo gallery and my thumbnails were contain within a movie that was then placed into a scrollpane. Each thumb was then turned into a button. But the loadMovie command no longer worked. So I switched to
on (release) {
loadMovieNum(“albertafalls.swf”, 1);
and have the buttons working withing the scrollpane.
But now when I switch to another section of the website, this small movie is showing up over the pages since they were brought in using the first example of actionscript…
home_btn.onRelease = function() {
So here is my question about unloadMovieNum
I found this searching on the net…
loadMovieNum(“albertafalls.swf”, 1);
unload_btn.onRelease = function() {
**This part:**Do I need to place this code in every action under all my buttons?
unload_btn.onRelease = function() {
Or just in the buttons on the scrollpane?
To clarify, do I need to make an invisible button and call it unload_btn and place it in every button throughout my site Just to get ride of the movie now?
Or just in the buttons actionscript within the movie thats in the scrollpane.
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks in advance for your help.