Simple show x, y

I have an object that moves when the arrows are pressed but how do i display the coordinates of the object, x and y? I tried


and then two dynamic boxes called x and y but it doesn’t work!

Your code doesn’t make sense, you’re just making a variable equal to itself =). And where did you put it anyway?

pom :slight_smile:

I got it from someone else on kirupa! Can you show me how to do it? I’ll alter my request!

I would like to display the height of an object from the bottom of the stage, i.e. when object is at say y=100 (I have taken y=0 to be the bottom of the stage) I want to display that in a dynamic box!

clip with instance name myClip
textboxes with instance names box1 and box2
on the main timeline:


pom :tie:

Ok but its not being dragged! Rather controlled by arrow keys! =)

You control it as you wish. Your question was about displaying the coordinates, no? :tie: