Well SIMS 2 came out today.
I played original sims and thought it was great, got my g/f to try it and she thought it was crap.
A couple of months later she was bored so gave it another go and fell in love with it.
Ever since then just when you think she is over it, they bring out another dam pack and she is into it all over again.[/COLOR]
Well she has been waiting a long time for Sims 2, and in about 20min when she gets home from work she can play it.
I had a 5min look at it, not enough to see anything… But I noted 1 thing, they have gone to a lot of detail on everything.
There is even a little flash trivia game to play while you install… Even the loading screens look nice and the animated mouse.
The screen shots don’t do the game justice as it looks really good in game.
Well, since I haven’t seen anyone else’s post, and I got it about 4 hours ago, I will assume I am the first to get SIMS2 here.
Feel free to comment on what you think of SIMS/SIMS2, post screen shots or tell any funny stories about your sims2 adventures in here. I will do so if I ever get to have a go on it.