Site Check

Hi can you guys/girls check out my site and tell me what you think I am fairly new to flash. It does’nt have that many effects but it serves its purpose

Thanks Andrew

Reminds me of my first flash layout, simple. Since it’s your first flash layout then I would say you’re off to a good start. What you have now is simple which is good, but I think it could use a lil more graphical enhancements to keep it interesting.

Another thing you might want to fix is the spinning logo, it’s pretty hard to read the line of text below without tilting my head side ways since it spins so fast for me to read it.

Also think of a theme or color scheme to work with, right now its just a bunch of shapes tweening. Play around a bit more and experiment, I look forward to seeing more of your work later, good luck. =)

i quite like it but the one thing that got on my nerves a little the snow is cool but cud u put it behind the text coz when it goes over it u cant read the text + its slow but that might just be coz im on a 56k But yeah i like it pretty funky but simple
