Site check


Just wanted to have people take a look at this site to make sure everything is functioning correctly on it and that there are no glitches.

Thanks for taking the time to look at it!

Some nice FX their. Everything seemed to work. People using any resolution under 1024 x 768 are going to have a hard time viewing your site though as it doesn’t fit on a screen with 1024 x 768.

The whole site seems bigger than it should be, I changed my res to 800 x 600 and everthing from the fonts to the tables seemed enormous.

I’d work on the site layout and test it on several different resolutions so those who use lower res’s than 1024 x 768 (theres a lot of them) can view the site properly.

the fonts looks bad

Thanks alot for taking a look at it, and your right, I’ll have to alter it so it looks better at different resolutions!

Thanks again,

– I went and fiddled with the Publish settings and posted the site at a more acceptable scale. I’m going to mess around with some different fonts to see if I can find a better one!

I love it man :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks MrMass

I’m on 1600x12000 and I have to scale your site… :frowning:

It is a little cheezy… I think you need to work on the layout and color scheme more. Give it the same attention as you did with your firework animation over the text. The fonts are very bad, unless you live in the 70’s…

Yes, I agree, it is a bit cheesy, but I’m new to Flash and not really familiar with graphic design at all. So I’m hoping as I work more in Flash I can get a better handle on both.

What font do you think would be appropriate? I’m up for any suggestions!

And Colin, I’m afraid if I make it any larger for 1600 x 1200 viewers, than it will, once again, be too large for 800 x 600 viewers. Do alot of people view at 1600 x 1200?

Thanks for taking a look at it you guys!

I agree with the scroller issue. Font looks ok to me. It’s a good site.
How did u make those fireworks on your site, can u tell me ?


The fireworks were made by using motion tweens, starting out with the firework picture to small to see and than having it get very large, with an alpha effect on the tail end of it to make it fade away completely.

The ones you see at the start were added right to the main timeline of the site. The ones that randomly play in the background are part of a movie that is loaded into a level under the main site, so they appear to be behind the text, buttons, etc.
The movie that loads into the lower level has some scripting in it that tells it to randomly skip to one of five different fireworks, it than waits from 1-5 seconds, also random, and than makes another random firework choice.

There may have been some better way to do this, but this was the first way I thought of!

Thanks for checking it out,

I think everything is alright.

Love your fireworks :slight_smile:

didn’t you post this a couple of months ago…?

Thanks Yomu!

Yeldarb, yes, it was posted a couple months ago, but none of the content had been added (There’s now about 80 pages of content, displaying 440 products), and it had a different look.
