if people want to visit this site and beat the s@#T out of it that would be great… try to break it and give me feedback about what works and doesn’t work…
i’m not really interested in any design critiques as that was out of my hands… just the flash actually functioning…
Yea, seems to work fine on all browsers… pretty smooth…
Eyewake… BAH. Other than the metal door I see nothing similar. That’s like saying no one can use a metal door anymore or it’s ripping. Bet that metal door is pissed that Eyewake stole it’s look.
Hey I’m from michigan too (detroit) and thought this would be the best time to post my first post. Anyway it’s good to see some locals in this forum. I have been coming here for about a week now just reading posts. I’m pretty new to flash and hopefully wil be able to have my fist sight critiqued in a few months.
im not to sure about the default setting but what are you trying to figure out about the cache?
If your trying to make sure your file is downloaded everytime someone visits your site i think you can do that via htaccess. Somewhere in kirupaforum their was a thread about it but i can’t remember where.
I have yet to attend a game this year, as a matter of fact I’ve only been to one game at Comerica Park. I know its sad. By the way I really like the sight you did. The design and functionality works very well. I get intimidated looking at these sights because I have so much to learn. All I know is graphic design & page layout stuff and very little web design with Dreamweaver.