Hey I aint sure what version of my site this is think its about V5 Imade like 3 in a week and this one was best see what you think its a kinda cleaner site its not finished yet still somebits and bobs to do but anyway
well to start at the beginning I was bored so I thought lets whack a rotating head on, Im not sure if the images are not matched properly ill check it out ive done the equaliser now cheers anyway
Line up your nav links. Also, the red txt is huring my eyes…
A little warning: You could get into some serious trouble by letting people download the components from flashcomponents.net from your site and not giving flashcomponents.net or the components’ creators any credit… Just a heads up there!!!
hey the components aint nicked from flashcomponents.net well not all anyway most are submitted by the makers, theve must have just submitted to both of us, the dreamweaver extensions are from macromedia exchange i have to admit and there are a few from flash components.net but most are submitted.
the nav buttons aint lined up coz the font i use has gone i just formatted my pc it will be on soon enough. Im just workin on a site for mate so mine is on the back bench