Thanks everybody, =)
There’s been some good advise here ( actually I’m quite amazed at how many views this thread has had !) I’ll try all the advise and see what happens.
Thanks everybody, =)
There’s been some good advise here ( actually I’m quite amazed at how many views this thread has had !) I’ll try all the advise and see what happens.
Ok so I’ve added the html files also to my host and re directed my enter button to the html file rather than the swf…
Now the site appears in the top left hand corner as opposed to the center of the page (and alot smaller). Do I have to add some more code to the html to size the website up to the swf size?
I’ve moved the enter button link back to the swf file for now…as the site was looking to small??
Im getting well confussed now?? Is it a mistake to build a website entirely in flash? :-\
It’s definitely not a mistake to do a 100% flash site.
When you had your site imbedded in an HTML frame the SWF probably didn’t scale [as it shouldn’t]. It should have been the same size that you created it at. If it’s not then I don’t mind having a look for you.
*Originally posted by spence *
**Ok so I’ve added the html files also to my host and re directed my enter button to the html file rather than the swf…
Now the site appears in the top left hand corner as opposed to the center of the page (and alot smaller). Do I have to add some more code to the html to size the website up to the swf size?
I’ve moved the enter button link back to the swf file for now…as the site was looking to small??
Im getting well confussed now?? Is it a mistake to build a website entirely in flash? :-\ **
Two ways to fix this problem either when you export the swf file choose publish settings and go to the html tab and choose the dimension settigs and change them to percent this causes the swf file to be caled according the users resolutionor browser window size, or if you have dreamweaver open the html file choose the swf file and in the properties toolbar change the width and heith to 100% on each of the fields and you should have a full working site
or you could open a new document in your HTML program - Dreamweaver, whatever - to use as formatting control, add a table with the correct dimensions and placement, and cut-and-paste Flash’s published HTML code (which is basically just the <object> and <embed> tags) into one of the cells of the table.
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