Hey all,
I’m wondering how better developers are structuring the introductory animation of full flash sites. Every flash site seems to have some sort of introduction animation which sets the stage, prior to which none of the menus or layout or information is in its final/useable position or state. So I have a few questions:
How are you dealing with preloaders? Are they loaded into the main movie as an external .sfw? If so, how are you calling the next movie to be loaded? OR do you put all your preloader animation in scene 1 and your main movie stuff in scene 2? OR do you put your preloader in frame 1 and the rest of your stuff in frame 2, etc? What’s the most effecient way of dealing with this?
When using dynamically created menus, do you use a separate movieclip to create the introductory animation of the menu items, and once in place, replace the movieclip with the actual menu? Or, while looping to create the menu, do you use code to animate the menu items into place?
Background images? What is the best way to load these? Do you include a file like this in the library, or do you load them into a movieclip?
Preloaders for external .sfw’s, are they included at the beginning of the external .sfw, or are they contained within the main movie?
Thanks, and sorry if these questions come off as supa-noob!