Skilled PHP Coder Needed For INTERESTING Project - MUST WORK FOR FREE

Okay all you coders who clicked on this thread are gonna want to know what this’interesting project’ is, right?

It’s called Design Disciples. It is going to be a internet design community much like is a Flash community. The two will overlap a little but hopefully they will co-operate.

What we need is someone willing to become part of the Design Disciples team and help with the PHP coding for the site. You will also need to be available to do fixes and updates and stuff. Did I mention you must work for free?

Anyway here’s what’s gonna go down.
We need easily updatable pages that we can add tutorials, articles, interviews and other stuff to quickly and easily.

Here’s where it gets a little more advanced:
The newly updloaded articles (and interviews) must replace the previous article which must be moved to an archive. A link to each past article must be added to a ‘Past Articles’ page. If this cannot be done with PHP please tell me as at the moment I’m just hoping.

As you can see this is not a simple task but it will be fun and very rewarding. While we cannot pay you you will become part of the Design Disciples team and you will get full credit for all your work. You may also add Design Disciples to your portfolio.

For more information contact me.
**AIM: **paddydukedesign

Thank you in advance to all who answer our call.
Paddy Duke (Design Disciples Project Manager)