[ot]Yeah radio, but not by choice! My other sig was 20k, and the limit was 15k, so it got hit by the sig crackdown. I just couldn’t get that compression any lower (Believe me, I tried everything). I just put that one together in like 10 mins so I wouldn’t have that annoying “violation sig” thing.[/ot]
My schedule for the past two years (college)
6:45 am - Wake up
7:15 am - Be at class
12:00 pm -Class ends, go to lunch
1:00pm - Work
7:30pm - Work over, go home
8:00pm - Get home, grab beer and/or pipe
8:30pm - eat dinner (tony’s frozen pizza or top ramen)
8:45pm - start playing games / surfing forums / designing
1:30am - Realize it’s 1:30am, and I need to go to sleep
2:00am - Actually start getting ready for bed
2:15am - Fall asleep
I get 4 1/2 hours every weeknight, and then I hit Friday. I party or something, crash out around 3-4am, and wake up at 3-4pm the next day. Repeat. Sunday comes around, I wake up at 3-4pm, Start working on homework, and go to sleep at 2:00am when it’s over. This is LITERAL. There is maybe once a month on a weeknight where I go to bed before 2:00.
I’m going on the fact that all of my grandparents are alive at like, 85, and my great-grandparents all were alive until a year or two ago. 99,96, 93 and 89. What’s funny is my great grandmother used to take two shots of vodka every MORNING. She was the one who lived to 99 too. The 89 and 93 pair both chainsmoked, and neither of them had air tanks or anything. Just the occasional sick smoker cough. Thank god for Icelandic/Scottish blood.
I had to write an essay in the last year of school (normally you have ~7 months time for that), well lazy as I am, I started 4 days before the deadline.
On friday afternoon I started writing the introduction, and realized that the whole thing was probably a lot more work than I thought. So I kept writing till 3AM and set the alarm to 8 o’clock. I worked the whole day till something like 4AM on sunday, and set the alarm again to 8 o’clock. With the magic of coffee, I then worked till Monday 10AM, let my brother read through the whole thing for grammer Mistakes (there were at least 50 mistakes at the last page! Coffee may help your body not to fall asleep, but not your brain) while I was working at the cover design. At 11 AM I started correcting the mistakes, and printed the whole thing ~12 o’Clock.
Afterwards I drove to school and arrived at 12:45, and the deadline was 13:00.
School ended at 18:00, and went to bed at something like 9PM
btw.: I got 12 points for it which is better than most of the others.
I was up for 4 days straight once… it got really weird towards the end… you start seeing things and hearing stuff. The auditory hallucinations were crazy for me, I was hearing all kinds of stuff. It was a pretty cool experience - never done it since.
nteresting Fact: “Sleep” is your body’s way of dumping the RAM, it clears out the unneeded information from your short term memory
Short term memory has an unknown capacity, it was once thought to be around 7 digits + or - 2.
It is now known that it this is a time scale factor, in that short term memory only lasts around 2 seconds.
The reason people could remember around 7 digits was because they could repeat them in 2 seconds. If you can’t rehears the information in your phonological loop within 2 seconds you lose it.
So the idea that your shortterm memory gets dumped to LTM each night is stupid.
Perhaps working memory gets dumped each night, the memory involved in executive functioning, but not STM
installing a PC which stores some data from our solar station of our school (like Power given by the solar cells, efficiency, celltemperature and stuff)
Physical theorie of Photovoltaik
my grandparents (all scots, I’m 100% scot!) all died around 79-80something, but they all died from things like heart problems, kidney failures, lung diseases, and the like. My dad has known heart issues, and my mum, while she doesn’t have anything, both of her parents have minor problems with more or less everything.
Either that, or I’ll crash my car. That’s what I’ve placed my bets on.
I remember one time, I played rogue spear during the summer so much, that I was getting an average of 5 hours of sleep a night, and playing for the other 19 (almost) for about 1½ weeks. By the end of it, I could play rogue spear without having a single shot hit me, and end the game with anywhere from 89-100% accuracy in assault missions (I could walk around a corner and cap three guys with a pistol without even thinking) and 100% everytime in sniping missions. I was at the point where I could take a full room and whoop them all. But when I started to hear enfields, and mp5s going off around me, I stopped playing. I never had any visual halucinations, but the audio one were creepy as hell, especially when I suddenly realised I wasn’t actually in the game. The worst part is: I’ve now lost my touch
I have been up for a week before. You see things that aren’t there, and hear strange things. I had a friend who was addicted to speed, he stayed up for 49 days. He went crazy because of lack of sleep… the drug just made it more present.
Ya I hear ya dude.
I am an A-HOLE (more than usual) If I dont get my sleep. I have stayed up all night partying but crashed after the festivities were over.