I have some sounds on buttons:
var mySound:Sound = new myLibrarySound();
myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound);
function playSound(e:Event):void
… and that works fine. I then have some streaming music:
var myStream:Sound = new Sound();
myStream.load(new URLRequest("myPath.mp3"));
… and that works fine too. Now, however, the initial button sounds have a slight delay – I’d estimate about 150-250 ms. It’s enough that rollover click noises happen about the time you click, and click noises happen about the time you release, etc. Now, here’s the KICKER.
It only happens in FIREFOX. CURSE FIREFOX. Seriously. I’ve been having so many Flash issues in FF3, it just drives me nuts. Firefox and wmode is a pain, Firefox and sound is a pain, Firefox has been crap for Flash development lately. :fight:
Any ideas?
[whisper]I love Firefox for HTML / CSS development as much as the next nerd, no need to pelt me with your fanboism. :love: It has annoying Flash issues.[/whisper]