I’m making an 800x600 site. All the contents are in 1 big movieclip of about 2000x2500 pixels. The navigation is done by scrolling; when a button is pressed the site scrolls to a certain point.
The site is at 30fps, but when it scrolls, the framerate drops to about 2fps. There are some (necessary) alpha fx, and some bitmaps (png’s with alpha channel) so i guess it’s too heavy for scrolling/moving the whole thing smoothly.
Is there a way to make this scrolling smooth? Like maybe there is an action that can move the site’s container instead of the content? Ore one that temporarily lowers the resolution?
I tried the scrolling with a slideTo prototype and with a simple movieclip animation, both are just as slow.
Any help? I only know (less than) basic flash. Thanks in advance.