Small Battle System for Rpg Makers

Heya i made a Basic Battle system for Rpg Game makers to edit and use codes from :slight_smile:

it has:

  • Walking guy
  • random-walking monsters (2)
  • monsters attack you
  • you attack monsters (by walking on them)
  • you die at 0 hp
  • monsters die and dissappear at 0 hp

have fun :slight_smile:

[CENTER]ncie sadly im not @ home at the mo ill try it as soon as i get there :smiley:


thnx :slight_smile:

sure ^^ tell me what u think of it when u get home :wink:

srry i made fun of u on the other thread =(

hehe its ok im kinda used to it my knowledge on everything has to be kinda limited 13 year olds have no memory >< well the 13s i know dont any way :stuck_out_tongue:

btw when ever enemies come and attack you they get hit at the same time but still great i could use it probably :smiley:

donโ€™t have flash on this computer, but when i download it, iโ€™ll give ya my criticism just like i do everyone else :worried: haha =P

hrhr go ahead bomb :wink:

Rav, ur not the only one with short memory :lol: I know how you feel :stuck_out_tongue:

swf please

Excuse me but how can you call that an battle system. Only thing you do is delete a set number from the enemy and the player when thoose two are hittesting. Thats just simple hittest :S

well, thats why its a โ€œsmallโ€ battle system and its for the beginners that are trying to make a simple game :slight_smile:

You should atleast make it so you have to face the direction you are attacking and press space or whatever attack button you use.

well canโ€™t u edit it and repost then :stuck_out_tongue:

dont have the time

but i guess people can learn and make something of the actionscript