Small flash portfolio flash help (Willing to pay cash)


I am posting because I need some help with flash.

I am a designer myself and have my files within flash so that’s all fine, the trouble is that I need certain features within it which I am unable to learn myself due to time-scales and the fact that I am just not willing to learn a huge amount of coding to get what I want, thats what I pay for.

I would need the following features:

1 - A pre-loader to my site.

2 - Having it all integrated so that the user doesn’t click a link and have to wait for the server to switch to a different HTML file containing the other part of the flash site.

3 - Seamlessly integrate Autoviewer (gallery script) which I have purchased into one of the content sections of my small portfolio site.

4 - Contact form (name, email, message)

5 - Some general help with the action scripts so that my buttons work

I am willing to pay as mentioned at an agreed fair price. If you’re not fully confident of executing such a site then please consider a different paying job.

I do not want ‘buggy’ code, I want it to work and the person I work with know about what they are doing.

Time scale wise - Fairly lenient but obviously I shall pay more the faster you do it - assuming it isn’t a rushed job (I’d prefer elegant over rushed).

Additional notes - I’d like to see your previous work before we discuss money.


I’d be happy to do this; is my site - but I haven’t updated it for a while due to lack of time for those things; I have only recently become freed up again - time which I am using to build funds.

What sort of budget are we looking at?

I have been working with Flash/Actionscript dating back to Flash version 5. I am an expert, currently working with Flash Professional 8.

My extensive background in the television and film industry only enhances the contributions that I can make to any company’s needs. For starters, I have an extensive background as a Producer. Thus I can set budgets. Work within budgets. Set goals. Meet goals. Be both a team leader and work within someone else’s team. Coupled with my Flash knowledge, these are valuable assets.

I have worked - in both television and print - as a graphics designer. Designing and implementing layouts in Photoshop and Illustrator. Coupled with my Flash knowledge, this is valuable experience to any employer.

I have worked in television production as a video editor. (Final Cut Pro) With so much video now being a nearly mandatory part of web related projects, video editing is another valuable resource from my career that I can bring to the table.

Truth is, I can bring a host of professional resources - with Flash as the centerpiece - to anybody’s projects.

My online Flash portfolio may be visited at:

Christian Seaborn
(small_guy on this board)


I am posting because I need some help with flash.

I am a designer myself and have my files within flash so that’s all fine, the trouble is that I need certain features within it which I am unable to learn myself due to time-scales and the fact that I am just not willing to learn a huge amount of coding to get what I want, thats what I pay for.

I would need the following features:

1 - A pre-loader to my site.

2 - Having it all integrated so that the user doesn’t click a link and have to wait for the server to switch to a different HTML file containing the other part of the flash site.

3 - Seamlessly integrate Autoviewer (gallery script) which I have purchased into one of the content sections of my small portfolio site.

4 - Contact form (name, email, message)

5 - Some general help with the action scripts so that my buttons work

I am willing to pay as mentioned at an agreed fair price. If you’re not fully confident of executing such a site then please consider a different paying job.

I do not want ‘buggy’ code, I want it to work and the person I work with know about what they are doing.

Time scale wise - Fairly lenient but obviously I shall pay more the faster you do it - assuming it isn’t a rushed job (I’d prefer elegant over rushed).

Additional notes - I’d like to see your previous work before we discuss money.
