Looking for a flash programmer and I’ll need to see his/her portfolio before I consider doing business.
I’d like to have my own portfolio site coded in flash, this excludes all design as I shall do this myself. It’s going to need a loading bar, heavily considering the purchase of simpleviewer for the actual gallery (so you’ll need to integrate this). Not much else.
Paying up to $100 if it’s good enough - depends how good portfolio and output of work is though.
[quote=poltek;2325814]You’re saying $50 an hour is bad?.. because, I wouldn’t imagine what I want coded exceeding more than 2 hours.
I don’t know about you but, being paid over £20 an hour is good money here in the UK.[/quote]
It always takes more then that and you should know it.
Plus, small jobs are charged more. And really, you said up to 100$ based on the output. I mean, come on dude… 200$ sounds much better.
But, that’s just my opinion.
I’d like to have my own portfolio site coded in flash, this excludes all design as I shall do this myself. It’s going to need a loading bar, heavily considering the purchase of simpleviewer for the actual gallery (so you’ll need to integrate this)
I consider myself a very swift working coder, at times I have to stop and take a break to not screw up my hourly rate too much. Even so, 2 hours for a portfolio site is legging it pretty intensely.
And even with that in mind, $50 an hour is hardly spectacular. Especially not for a 2 hour job. If you could sign on for 200 hours monthly with $50, that would be decent, but for 2 hours jobs hourly rates normally skyrocket a bit.
I wasn’t trying to be a smart***** in my first post though, I just thought it sounded drastically low. I DO wish you good luck and I hope you get your site done.
My sites done, but it’s not in flash. It draws images using the free lightbox javascript add-on.
Perhaps I wasn’t clear in my first post. - It’s extremely simple. Forget I said ‘portfolio site’, because it’s essentially a container for simpleviewer which I’m purchasing, and the container holding some text which then links into the simple viewer - which I shall also add images myself. Again, all graphic by me too.