Small icons

Darn, from the moment I layed eyes on his first post, I knew he was going to get banned within hours… Should’ve bet money on that :-\

lol, I think we should make a forum for bets like this

not for nothin but from what i seen XX was only asking where to get them, and people like prodigy and leslet kinda insulted him by saying he’s looking for someone else’s work. and now he’s banned?

i must have missed something here

you missed a bunch. don’t worry about it. Nobody gets banned here without group consent…


*Originally posted by Digitalosophy *
**not for nothin but from what i seen XX was only asking where to get them, and people like prodigy and leslet kinda insulted him by saying he’s looking for someone else’s work. and now he’s banned?

i must have missed something here **
you do make a point, but that doesn’t justify the kind of attitude he has IMO :slight_smile:

xx got here to ask peops for sources of icons, prodigy and leslet told him, he better ask the creators of the icons before using them, and he insulted them.
tell me if I missed something, but neither leslet nor prodigy used words like xx did.
I guess it would have been ok, and sufficient if he had told them he didn’t want to use the icons without asking.
(non of the others was as offensive as xx, but the others could have been nicer too)

*Originally posted by ahmed *
**you do make a point, but that doesn’t justify the kind of attitude he has IMO :slight_smile: **

true his langauge was unexceptable

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**you missed a bunch. don’t worry about it. Nobody gets banned here without group consent…

Rev **

i trust you Rev, you mods do a great job here

*Originally posted by Digitalosophy *
**i trust you Rev, you mods do a great job here **

I ain’t gonna lie to you, Rev is the background investigator.

Thor is the :love:hearty:love: front man. hehehehe

Digital: This also might help you understand…

I banned his IP a few hours ago also :thumb:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Digital: This also might help you understand… **

omg what a you know what. see, i knew i missed something :slight_smile:

why wasn’t he banned for that thread?

Ok time to defend my actions from you bunch of fine fellows and fellow-ettes me thinks.

XX and I had differing opinions of what is aceptable.

I believe that to a certain point that using other people works is acceptable.

Hence the phrase why re-invent the wheel. after all is I use the MM Dreamweaver script for swap image and restore is that not using someone elses script. Ok I pay for it with my licence, but say hand code and “borrow” that script from a published web page where’s the standing on that?

less web related I now take gravity as a given. Do I have to prove the existance of gravity and its value if my work requires the use of it. No I have been told that its 9.81m/s/s and someone has proven that already.

back to xx-xx-xx

*Originally posted by XX–XX–XX *
**yes but if it’s you job then you should be able to do it yourself.

I am a web designer but i don’t go around taking people ideas to profit from them. **


*Originally posted by Laslett *
**Why not it’s easy money?:pope: **

and thats when it all kicked off. Theres a line between ripping off and idea and not re-inventing the wheel. However some believe that the whell need re-inventing every time

*Originally posted by XX–XX–XX *
**did i ask anyone to do it for me.

you ****ing sad little band geek **

WTF, why do people think geeks are in band. I’m in band and there are like 2 kinda geeky people out of our 64 person band.

And I am a geek and I was never in band. Sheesh - I’m offended. I hate being reverse discriminated against. There needs to be pro-affirmation affirimative action program to prevent that :ub:

*adds affirmation to list of words I made up.


people who use vulgarities are ****ing disgusting. (oops, only this once)

Most of them are censored, but yeah - swearing is one of the more childish ways of either making people laugh or trying to lose an argument :egg:

*Originally posted by t3h t3rminator *
**WTF, why do people think geeks are in band. I’m in band and there are like 2 kinda geeky people out of our 64 person band. **

I was in the Band, played Tuba/Sousaphone, etc. for years… even went to Band Camp…

of course, I was kicked out of something every year… but I was there!
