I have a couple of small and probably stupid questions for you guys, but I’m kinda tired and I don’t have a clue anymore:
[1.] I drawed a circle in Flash MX, with line tickness 7. Now I want to cut some parts of the circle, so I click the black arrow, select the part I want to cut and press Delete. It works, of course, but I’m not satisfied. I want the edges of the part that has been cut square-ish, not round. How do I do that? This is what I get:
[2.] Suppose I draw a dark blue rectangle and I want to make it flash a couple of times from dark blue to white. How do I do this in ActionScript? Probably very logical solution, but again, I’m tired. Instance name and stuff?
[1] for the circle, first convert the lines to fills (Modify > Shape > Convert Lines to Fills) Then you can cut the part out and have hard edges - since its a shape now and not lines. Lines themselves will always have curved ends.
[2] The easiest way is to do it by frame. Just have anoter frame in that box as a movieclip of the same image but white, then just play it as a loop for it to flash and tell it to gotoAndStop(1) to stop. AS can be done, but with less control and is much more a pain in the *** to implement.
AS can be done, but with less control and is much more a pain in the *** to implement.
That’s why I asked. I always did it frame by frame before. Isn’t the flashing part more “stable” when done in AS? It’s like there are always little lines of black during the flash when I do it frame by frame…