Half-Cut Circle

i was just wondering…

how people canmake those nice half-cut circles, like when u enter a site and you see them on the EYES of a women or soemthing, just rotating … you know which ones?

i tried to make the circle and then cut it out but i cant get it well…
is that the way its done?

thanks :d

Not sure I follow you. But you can use the pen tool to make odd curves.



■■■■ how can i explain… lemme see if i cant find a site…

that’d be helpful! =)

here it is…

this is the perfect site for that effect i want to achieve…
can you see the circles go round and round everywhere… even
in the enter there are 2 cutted circles…
how can i make that?

how can i cut the circle like that.


Also Kirupa… have you consider adding this site to the Week sites?

Its very awesome :smiley:

i hope someone can help me figure it out

thanks :d

I usually just cut a circle out… :-\

Or you can manipulat a square by curving the lines and moving the corners I suppose.

Kirupa only adds user submitted sites to SOTW, otherwise who would he send the award to?

What you want is to draw a circle like that, or make that effect?

both of them are quite easy.


i want both :smiley:

can you explain a lil?

:o didnt knew… sorry… but its a good site huh…

just trying ot figure out the way to draw that, and make it go ound and round


To draw the circle:

1- (on thew tools panel) Click on the oval tool (short cut= o);

2- (on the stage) press ctrl and click and drag to draw a perfect circle, change the color of the circle to white;

3- TO remove the out lines (press ctrl+a (select all) and holding down the shift, click on the fill to de-select it, ad press del, then select the circle and press ctrl+g (to group the circle);

4- (on thew tools panel) Click on the linel tool (short cut= n);

5- (on the stage) click and drag horizontally to draw a horizontal line longer than the circle width;

6- select the line and press ctrl+g (to group the line);

7- with the line grouped and selected press ctrl+d (duplicate);

8- press ctrl+a (select all) an press ctrl+k (open the align panel), then click on align center and middle;

// now you have a circle, and two lines aligned

9- press esq (de-select all);

10- click on one of the lines, and with the shift pressed, press the down arrow to push the line off the center of the circle (not much);

11- do the same as above to the other line but this time press the up arrow instead the down arrow;

12- select the arrows and group them;

13- select the circle and press ctrl+c (copy), then ctrl+shift+v (paste in place), double click the circle;

14- change the color of circle to black, double click outside the circle;

15- select the black circle and press ctrl+shift+s (scale and rotate) and set the scale value to 80%, and press ok;

// now you should see a black circle on top of a bigger white circle

16- select the two circles and press ctrl+b (break apart);

17- press esq (de-select all), and then select the black circle;

18- press ctrl+shift+s (scale and rotate) and set the scale value to 80%, and press ok;

19- change the color of the black circle to white;

// now you shuld see a little white circle in the middle of bigger white donut

20- Make sure the lines are longer than the circle width;

21- press ctrl+a (select all) and then ctrl+b (break appart);

22- select the pieces of the donut between the lines and detete them;

21- press ctrl+a (select all) and then ctrl+b (break appart);

22- with all selected, hold the shift and click in all that is not a line (this way you will de-select the fills maintaining the selection on the lines) and press del.

pronto! you should now see a circle similar to the enter button on that link.



good explain, i cant remove the outlines i pressed ctrl g and then wheres the fill? (3rd step.)

sorry for being dumb :frowning:

I made this in a hurry, so, some error may appear once in a while :slight_smile:

You know you can just click on the outline and it will select the outline rather than the fill right?

Then you can hit delete.

but not always, you know.
Depending on the line width and of the size of the circle, the flash breaks the lines in two or more pieces, and the way I told is better in complex drawings (not this case I know), so I always try to influence people to that aproach too.


But what you said works easyer in that case.

Oh ok :slight_smile:

It always works for me, and if it only select part of the line, I usually double click it and it works fine. I don’t do complex drawins though so I have never had a problem with my method :slight_smile:


VERY F****** NICE!

i made it!

Nice nice nice

Thanks man hehehe

to rotate that its somewhere in the motion tween…
i havent used that rotate stuff in a while i think i forgot…

any tips

im almost done with the site…
ill post it here so you can see the work :D:D:D
its quite nice…

*Originally posted by thediablo *
**sorry for being dumb :frowning: **

Hey man, don´t do this. I hate when people make little of themselves :evil:

Just by showing up here and puting yourself out to ask shows intelligence. :slight_smile:

I´m sure that that in a week you will be helping people here asking the same kind of question.



nevemind i figure it :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks for the time GUYS!!!

this is ver good

Glad to hear this!:stuck_out_tongue:

No need to thank me, anytime dude!

[SIZE=1]ps: lost that is just the way I do, every person has it´s way of doing things, but if we can provide alternatives to the readers they can choose the best. So plz continue bumping in and giving us new ways, the more the merrier![/SIZE] :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: