this morning i suddenly remembered a post a while back about some one wanting to smooth lines drawn using the drawing api from the drawing board tut an i thout of the simple solution - dont do it from the mouse, do it from an eased mc which follows the mouse.
so i simply combined the 2 tuts (one for mouse following with easing and the drawing board tut) and came up with attached…
one problem tho the post doesnt turn up in searches (too old i presume… god only knows how old the post was!! :S lol)
but neway… if whoever it was is stil lookin for the answer, here tis…
pretty clever prophet. Thanks for sharing! 
There is one problem, however. If you move your mouse very fast and then stop it, the pencil will continut to move but no lines will be drawn :x
Might need an enterframe event in there to take up for that lost slack. 
too tight! I likes this, not sure where I might use it but hey… awesome!
yer i noticed that… a slight movement solves it… but hey, i gotta say - i am surprised - i was expectin ppl 2 say “o its obv bn done b4” and slaggin me off for bein slow etc… but instead i get praised from senocular… NICE!
just seemed logical to me is all…
did as u suggested and hey presto, waddya know joe it works 
cheers sen!
EDIT:- the fla mysteriously compressed itself a bit in uploading to kirupa… if ne1 has probs with the file ill upload agen but for now im goin 2 bed coz i hav headache :S
If possible, could you post the AS used as a txt file? I don’t use the Flash IDE, so I can’t view FLAs, but I would love to look at your code! Even a SWF I could decompile would be great!
erm sure…
this code on frame1:
and this code on the mc:
onClipEvent (load) {
_x = 0
_y = 0
speed = 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
endX = _root._xmouse
endY = _root._ymouse
_x += (endX-_x)/speed
_y += (endY-_y)/speed
// Code to draw the line to the pencil point
_root.onMouseDown = function(){
this.onMouseMove = function(){
//Code to stop the drawing when the mouse is NOT down
_root.onMouseUp = function(){
this.onMouseMove = null
it really is simply combining two tuts! the lines will draw to the mc you put the above code on (instance name of pencil) erm… the swf is here:
Thanks Prophet, nice work! 
meh, salrite aint it
seriously, its nothing… im quite surprised its not been done before to be perfectly honest!!