Smoothing external images via xml issue


I have this code in as3 that creates dynamic movieclips and adds images in dynamically via xml. I used code to smooth the bitmap before it is attached the the holder movie clip, but I run into an issue of it seeming to only work for the last image in the loop. It attaches and finds all the images with no problem but it seems to only apply smoothing to the last image in the loop.

Can any one help me out? Below is the code that I am using.

var imageList:XMLList=imageInput.image.ilink.text();
var counter:Number=0;
totalImages = imageList.length();

for each (var imageElement:XML in imageList) {

	this["holder" + counter + "_mc"] = new MovieClip();

	polaroid_mc.addChild(this["holder" + counter + "_mc"])
	this["holder" + counter + "_mc"].x = 29.9
	this["holder" + counter + "_mc"].y = 44.5
	var myBitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap();
	var bitMov:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
	var URLReq:URLRequest=new URLRequest(imageInput.image.ilink.text()[counter]);
	var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
	this["holder" + counter + "_mc"].addChild(imageLoader)
	imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadBit);

	function loadBit(event:Event):void {
	this["holder" + counter + "_mc"].alpha = 0;
