ok, i have been trying to create this game, but i am having so many problems. i need your help people.
i am recieving the following errors:
Symbol=Die, Layer=Layer 3, Frame=1: Line 1: Statement block must be terminated by ‘}’
on (release) {
Symbol=Die, Layer=Layer 3, Frame=1: Line 42: Syntax error.
this is the code for it:
on (release) {
display = Math.round(Math.random()*5)+1;
if (display==1) {
if (display==2) {
if (display==3) {
if (display==4) {
if (display==5) {
else if (display==6) {
PlayerNewPosition = PlayerPosition + display;
PlayerPosition = PlayerNewPosition;
Player._x = _root[PlayerNewPosition]._x;
Player._y = _root[PlayerNewPosition]._y;
if (squares[PlayerNewPosition]!=0)
PlayerNewPosition = squares[PlayerNewPosition]
PlayerPosition = PlayerNewPosition;
Player._x = _root[PlayerNewPosition]._x;
Player._y = _root[PlayerNewPosition]._y;
if someone has msn messenger, find me at comradecarlos@hotmail.com and i can send you the .fla file so it is clearer. i would appreciate any kind of help. thanks.