Snow Falling Without Dissappearing

Hi Guys,

With the attached file I’ve got some snow falling, I want the snow to build up st the bottom of the file like it would in real life… If anyone has any ideas would be great! Also here is the code if that helps…

snowNumber = 70;
var flakes:Array = new Array("snow", "flake2", "flake3","flake4") 
for (i=0; i<snowNumber; i++) {
	newSnow = _root[flakes[random(flakes.length)]].duplicateMovieClip("snow"+i, i);
	newSnow._x = Math.random()*Stage.width;
	newSnow._y = -Math.random()*300;
	newSnow.maxSnowSpeed = Math.random()*4;
	newSnow.wind = Math.random()*6;
	newSnow._xscale = newSnow._yscale = newSnow.alpha = Math.random()*60+40
	newSnow.onEnterFrame = function() {
		this._rotation -= this.maxSnowSpeed+1;
		if(this._y>Stage.height || this._x>Stage.width || this._x<0){
			this._y = -Math.random()*300;
			this._x = Math.random()*Stage.width;
		} else {
			this._y += this.maxSnowSpeed+1;
			this._x += this.wind-4;
		this._alpha = this.alpha;