So another storm comes in

Yesterday was nice, but I knew another storm was coming in, but I forgot to close the windows…

So, at 7:00 this morning (hangover and all) I awake to the sound of rain coming into my apt (I’m on the top floor, so I get the rain first)…

In raising the last window, I simply put my hand straight thru the glass. As I look my hand over to see if I’m cut (which amazingly enough, I’m not at all), listening to the glass fall to the courtyard 75 feet below…

I then spent the next half hour taping a plastic bag over the pane of glass…

Now I just hear the wind whistle around the bag, and the rain hitting the plastic…

I’m just waiting for a little later, so I can turn up my Stereo to drown it out…

Happy New Years Everybody…
