So apparently blackholes do exist

PR here.

For those of you wondering about the existence of black holes and other strange phenomena I can attest after 7 months that they do in fact exist. My only regret is that I didn’t bring a towel with.

So for a small fee I can find your lost dress socks that went missing in the dryer.

In other news, sorry for just jetting out of here as you may have garnered some things went down. I’m past the point in my life of blogging about the topic so I’m not really going to go into it. I will say to Simp since he publicly wondered that it didn’t have anything to do with you man - we can talk off-line about that if you’d like.

Professionally I’m at a level I’ve never been at before and life is fantastic. Seriously I couldn’t be happier.
From a knowledge standpoint my skills are beyond what they ever were.

So I’m looking forward to actually being more involved here, helping some people, and having some “e-fun,” and of course learning a few things myself along the way.

Also for clarification lol - I didn’t do something like this before and yes I did work for Law Enforcement but that was before Taproot. Oh and that alapimba guy is just bad news… explained that once before I left and it didn’t change because he posted in my birthday thread. I appreciate everyone’s cool words in that other thread. I’m sorry to hear about scotty - that was a blow to read the other day.

And for the record I’ve still been forwarding people to this site as a resource this whole time and they are all impressed with the level of involvement and knowledge here - so you guys have been rocking it.

So… game on and stuff.