So simple it has to work... but doesnt grr

I dynamically added a textField and set text format and all the usual stuff … and it works… but all the sizes are wrong and for some reason I think its not measuring the sizes in pixels.

the little_Text.x = 0; and .y= 0 are correct and display correct but all the other sizes are miles off, even font.size = 13 is like 30+ size please help…

var myFont = new Font3();

var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tf.size = 13;
tf.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
tf.font = myFont.fontName;
tf.color = 0x000099;

var title_Text:TextField = new TextField();
title_Text.embedFonts = true;
title_Text.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
title_Text.width = sqBlack.width;
title_Text.text = "THE DARK KNIGHT";

title_Text.wordWrap = true;
title_Text.height = 40;
title_Text.x = 0;
title_Text.y = 0;
title_Text.background = true;    
title_Text.backgroundColor = 0xFFFF00;