Soft and shiny photographs

how much gaussian blur should i apply?

also, play around with the opacity of the top layer.

yeah, can you tell me how MUCH gaussian blur to get that effect? like the exact number? :mu:

There is no “magic number” that’s right for all pictures, you’ll have to play around with it. It depends on the size of the picture and the sharpness and contrast and numerous other things. Just play around with it, it can range anywhere from 1 px to 20 px or higher. It depends on what effect you are trying to achieve and on the picture you’re manipulating.

ohh ok :mu:

I used 5px.

Hey, great. Thanks for spending time with this.
Maybe you have also an idea how this preloader works:

It looks like he did a normal preloader with a png ‘glow’ on top. That glow image being in a Movie Clip, to wich he added the flickering (easy to script).

Will get to it when I come back from Spiderman 2 =)



F12 is great. I always wonder how they did that CD and the player and that metal/steel effect they use.

I think the CD is just a gradient with some radial blur and motion blur.

Ok, I’ll wait for you. I’m goin’ to see shrek 2 tomorrow with the kids :te:

Well the preloader - I don’t really mean the flickering but the “sticky” appearance on the “doors”. When a new ext. swf is loaded the doors closes and the preloader on the doors is moving, when the loading is finished, the doors open (still with the preloader on the doors) and the new content is there…

…A loader, that loads external .swf’s ??? Actionscripting… :hangover:

I’m glad you asked that question pacno. I am in need of learning that at the moment. I try to have all the preloader parts fade in and out but they won’t all do it. I’m anxious to see the coding.

Let’s hope mlk enjoy spiderman 2 and will come back helping us. :slight_smile:

MLK has it -

another effect that is similar and often used - (there used to be pictures with this - but in the great forum crash of 2004 they were lost)
Here are the settings to apply to your image/selection:

gaussian blur 1.5

diffuse glow: 1 - 2 - 18

I still dont get what you don’t understand with the preloader. Here’s the deal. You load the external swf in a MC which is located under the ‘door’ MC… So that once the loading is finished, all you have to do is play your ‘door’ anim, until you see your section.

Quite frankly i’ve never done external preloading before but I don’t think this should be a problem at all…

I’m not really good in actionscripting…I always put the preloader in the same swf which must be loaded. I never used it before in different timelines/swf movies.
Do you have an example fla or any actionscript resources for this?
It would help a lot
I found this but I still don’t get it, do I have to build a prelaoder mc…?:-/


well, for the doors thing, you just need to create the doors with the preloader movieclip on the door… the animation for the doors will make the preloader move with them (as it’s on the door) and then the new .swf will be revealed.

i’m not sure what you mean by your last line, “A loader, that loads external .swf’s” … because that’s what preloaders are for - waiting while you load external content.

i’m not sure what you mean by your last line, “A loader, that loads external .swf’s” … because that’s what preloaders are for - waiting while you load external content.
Not necessarily; you can load contents from the same swf file…

pacno im sorry to say this, but you should search the forums because preloading external files has been asked many times before. Once you find the code; Im willing to help with example animations =)…

Thanks, I’ll go digging… :bandit:

me again…I put the preloader into the external swf, not in the “main” swf???

nope, you’ll need to put the preloader inside the main swf. You’ll load the external swf, and the preloader will check the loading status. I’ve never done it myself; I’ll try to create a script tomorrow… Im off to parteh tonight…



I appreciate your help mlk :blush:

that tute you posted a few posts back is an easy way to build a preloading site… it’s what i used for my first one. Just try going through step by step, reading all the bits carefully and you should be alright. Make sure you’ve downloaded the .fla they give you of course, as it has the basic layout for you…