Some Advanced AS 3 HELP needed willing to trade

I am a photographer filmmaker which for budgetary reasons decided to build my
own flash site. I am 99% done with the initial build and from here I only want to
add and tweak things as I go.

There are a few problems I can not seem to solve that involve Action Script 3
one of which is getting a script purchased from FlashDen to work as a
resizable background video.

I am sure that for anyone that is savvy in AS 3 and custom classes ect…
this will not be a challenge.

I am willing to compensate anyone that can finish what I can not
(preferably with a archival printed giclée photo print from chosen by you
from my library) but money would also be possible (as long as it is reasonable)

in all I need

  1. background vid to deploy with the built in preloader loading the background
    and my site. my site should begin playing when background video starts.

  2. General optimization (I have tried to keep it pretty light but I am a n00b so…)

  3. I would imagine that this will more than likely be done by loading my site swf
    into the background vid file. and I have tried doing this but I can’t seem to keep my attributes (bottom left, 100% browser size, ect…) .

please PM me or post to this thread if interested.
I realize this is a bit unorthodox but I am a bit desperate as I am racing the clock
to get the site up so I can start using it to promote a documentary film that I have ben shooting in the hopes to find some finishing funds to complete it.
