Some New art work

AFTER about 3 years ive finally learned how to draw with color. Its taken for ever! these are 10min sketches. All of these drawings were made in Painter 7, No reference only my old noggin.

Some other random drawings…

I think the hardest part was saturation and contrast. Its a real pain in the *** to not use bright colors and also to know when to contrast things.


your use of color and shadows continues to amaze me Edwin. You are awesome. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**your use of color and shadows continues to amaze me Edwin. You are awesome. :slight_smile: **

My thought’s exactly.

:A+: :A+: :A+: :A+: :A+:

awesome job

You reallly rock… that is awesome…

the second and fourth ones are my favorites, but as always they all rock

i love the first one, it has a really atmospheric look to it (-:

the second one is cool too (not saying the others aren’t :p)


nothing that red X-es! I’ll try later! I just HAVE TO see them!!! =)

Yes, I’m getting red x’s too :frowning:

thats all it was…

my site is down…i hope it comes back up otherwise im ****ed

Im ****ed if i can’t see those!!!

Dude thats friggin awsome…

I just got inspired, going to go get painter 7 and start drawing…
Do you use a digi. drawing pallet?

One thing though… you might want to accent the drawing with a thiner brush… the look a little out of focus…