Hey all , after seeing Edwin’s videos on painter , i felt i would jump in there and give it a go, so here is something i did in about 5 minutes just playing around. Havent used painter much, this is really the first thing ive done in it, not too crash hot :sigh:
but just a beginner.
whats really wierd about this pic is i like hate the colors when i first look at it, but as i look at it more i realize its pretty cool and i start to like them… i think thats my skitzophrenia kickin in.
i should try using those brushes tho… i wanna make purdy pics
Thanks all for your comments, painter is a pretty nice program, just need to get the idea that putting a colour over another colour will make a new colour, lol. Iam too use to photoshop and the rest.
*Originally posted by xxviii *
**whats really wierd about this pic is i like hate the colors when i first look at it, but as i look at it more i realize its pretty cool and i start to like them… i think thats my skitzophrenia kickin in.
i should try using those brushes tho… i wanna make purdy pics **
Lol, yeah the colours are just a fusion of so many colours, they grow on you don’t they :beam:
thanks alex, just looking at your site, looking alright. need to tweak some animations though, the buttons on the bottom for example, maybe they should “Bump” into each other rather than go through each other. And also You need to save your portfolio work as jpegs , your work is opening up in PAINT!!!. save as jpegs and create a html page to put it in.
other than that, looks like you are on the right track.
*Originally posted by Soulty *
**thanks alex, just looking at your site, looking alright. need to tweak some animations though, the buttons on the bottom for example, maybe they should “Bump” into each other rather than go through each other. And also You need to save your portfolio work as jpegs , your work is opening up in PAINT!!!. save as jpegs and create a html page to put it in.
other than that, looks like you are on the right track.
::::soulty:::: **
thanks for your comments and suggestions. i am fixing the portfolio section right now. :sure: