So I go out to grab some lunch with a few buddies from work today. We go to grab a sub at Deangelo’s.
So we order our grub and are eating. This guys friggin baby a few booths down starts crying and whatnot.
The sick bastard picks up the kid plops him on the seat on the next booth up and proceeds to change this kids diaper loaded chock full of sludge. The dude puts the shizzled up diaper on the table while he srubs the little critter down. Throws a new dump catcher on the rat and puts the trash in the center of the resteraunt.
Oh yeah then he sat down and ate the rest of his food without washing his hands or anything.
I have an iron stomach man, but I was seriously grossed out over this one.
and that was the only ‘hygene-challegened’ person you saw while at lunch. don’t even think about what the prep cooks did before chopping up the onions you put on your burger, or what the dishwasher touched before he grabbed something off a workstation…
or, at the very least, remember the last thing you touched before you grab that sandwich… was it money? think about where that money has been… did you scratch your nose? did you sneeze in your hands?
another reason I don’t eat at ‘Ecoli Stands’ (salad bars), because they never wash the veg good enough, and some migrant (who gets paid by the pound) doesn’t take the time out to visit the WC (a good 20 min away), so they simply squat and donate their personal fertilizer to the cause…
I was reading this as I was eating the sub I waited all day for, and finally found enough money to go out and get… and then… the poo… and the baby… and the… ew…ewwwwwwwwww
Eh… I’m glad my business partner is rather open minded… Half the time we just yell or throw things at stupid people…
The other day… We were sitting in these booths and there was an elderly couple behind us… I talked like a pure hick for ten seconds to exclaim something funny… and then this lady yells out… “I’m Queen of the Trailer Parks…and that offended me…”
So me and my business partner sat there and kept making remarks about this entire time… Was quite interesting…
Oh man… if I was in a bad mood… I’d have probably thrown french fries at that guy while he was doing it… lol