No, not really, needed to get you into the thread. But I was thinking about how to abuse poor McDonald’s employees. Here you go!
Option 1:
Walk in with a ski mask and a water pistol (you know, the really crappy ones you get for 50 cents) and a leather bag.
“Put all the free smiles in the bag! DO IT! DO IT NOW!”
If some guy starts laughing squirt him in the eye.
Option 2:
Drive through asking for a smile. They might think it’s funny… for two minutes. But when you’re on your eleventh hour, I really doubt they will. If you run out of gas, leave your car, knock on the window and say “I just gotta run to the gas station, I’ll be ten minutes tops.”
And if you’re really out for the teenage punks, why not drop by another restaurant… say… taco bell?
“Hey, uh… I’ll get… twenty of those taco supremes.”
“Alright, that’s 26.45.” pulls change out of pocket
“3.45, I guess that’s not enough, eh? …Oh, and your friends are half done… ■■■■."
Yeah, that’s something I thought up for the second half of my report. If it’s similar to something you thought up, I really honestly didn’t steal it. Jesus.
I was a beastly runner. But the fry station was my favorite. Good times hehe. Everything was fine at mine though. We actually did like best sales in the east one week or something like that. It was mighty impressive.
We also got robbed at gun-point once (I wasnt there) a manager got beaned on the head and knocked out and they cleaned out the safe. narsty.
Of course I never eat there now (well like once in the past year or 2). Arbys is my current favorite for fast food. :beam:
Oh, and my fast food place is Taco Bell, until someone tells me they sell rotten meat, or make chilli like burger king does (expired meat//whatever they drop on the floor or screw up)
*Originally posted by Aislin *
**I dunno if it’s the same in the U.S., but here every employee gets a 50% discount card. My friend has one, but I never bother. **
I always ate free… at least at the one I worked at. I think at other ones I got like 25 or 50% off. Not sure, I never ate anywhere else but there (it WAS FREE!). Ive eaten so many double quater pounders its not funny (most of the reason I dont eat there anymore).
I also did the pizza-hut thing (Mmmmm pizza) and they gave 20% off when you showed them a paystub. That was decent though (of course I got free pizzas at mine ;)). That was half the perk of working there - well most actually. That and the cash. I was a driver in delivery and I only worked friday nights and weekends (whenever they needed me) and I could make probably around $200 cash in a weekend doing that not counting a paycheck. But its not about the money, its about the PIZZA! (Mmmm)
That’s some funny stuff - I want to try the stick up thing
I am with Senocular - Arbys Rules. My problem is I am on a diet and don’t eat there anymore… gotta drop a few extra. I am down 7 since New Years Day In case you wanted to know…
But what pisser when they start advertising sour dough sandwiches
I always like to buy food at another fast food resturant and take it inot a Macdonalds. They get real pissed when your eating burger king in there. I also like to oredr big macs at other fast food joints. When they say they don’t have it I ask them if they can make me one any way.
Is there any A&W’s in the US or are they just in Canada? They are one of the best places to get a burger. Them and Wendys
its comforting to know that fast food has also infiltrated canadian society.
As a former McDonalds Employee, i no longer eat there. Not because of contamination, or gross stuff, more of an understanding of how it works. Everything is frozen, from the lettuce to the fries; from the meat to apples pies, it all goes straight to your thighs. I worked at a McDonalds in Wal-Mart, no less, and let me tell you, after serving a constant barrage of diminished mental capacity, coupon-weilding, gluttanous trailer-dwellers, one tends to pick up a healthy distrust for the nutritional value of a big mac. That and having to pump all the used grease into a grease bin… Yeeccch, imagine all that in your arteries! anyway, we all know its only McDonald’s fries that keep it in business, and apparently, so does Taco Bell. I heard something from a friend that works at one, about Taco Bell having fries soon. Imagine that. :-\
Taco Bell lovers, ignore this next statement: i’ve heard from multiple people that the grade of meat used at T.B. is one grade lower than the grade of meat used in Dog Food. Eat up
anyway, i think its horrible that fast food is the only option for most people, because its made cheap and convenient. America is a fat nation, statistically, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that an unhealthy diet, and lack of exercise isn’t a good way to live. But ■■■■, Taco Bell has some good nachos…:evil:
the only “fast food” in the area of my home town was an A & Root…MacDonalds didn’t come to town until I was 17. I didn’t see the big deal, and still don’t…
Now, In-N-Out Burgers are another story… Whenever I go to the Wharf, or outside SF, I have to stop and get stuffed…
guys, what kind of food is at arbys? and A & W (or are they the same thing?)
also, isn’t wendys an icecream place?
in australia, we don’t have arbys or A&W and only a few Taco Bell’s… and wendy’s serve ice cream and drinks (like smoothies and stuff) and i think hotdogs are the only ‘food’ they have…
oh and do you have subway over there? that’s my favourite, but it’s a bit pricey
A & W was a burger joint that started in Canada I do belive. It was a drive in resturant untill they became a fast food joint. They server burgers, chicken, and all the other stuff you would find a t a fast food place. THere quality of food is just a lot better then a Mac D’s or BK. There key items are there Oninon Rings and there Root Beer which they sell in convenace stores.
Arbys: Is like a hot sandwich place. Hot roast beef on a bun or stuff like that. Hot shaved meats with sauce’s. It is a better quality then your regular Fast Food place as well. The yhave curly fries that kick @ss
I canada we also have a place called “Taco Time”. This place kicks Taco Bells @ss. I ate at a taco bell and it was the worst food ever. Taco Time uses real meat and ingerdents. Way better then taco bell.
IlikePie: SUBWAY IS AWESOME! But Jared Fogle is a moron.
Maj: YES! You worked inside of Wal-Mart too!? So did I for the first 2 years of my McDonalds career. Then I moved to a real store, and I was made a manager. Then I was moved around to about 5 different stores because the stores ‘needed the help’ Now I am stationary at one store, and I hate it. I am attempting to find another job, but there are none in my area (economy is horrible). Also, do you know about ‘the black box’? Its usually under the sink… Isn’t that the nastiest thing you have ever experienced?
*Originally posted by Jubba *
**I am attempting to find another job, but there are none in my area (economy is horrible). Also, do you know about ‘the black box’? Its usually under the sink… Isn’t that the nastiest thing you have ever experienced? **
Yeha, economy does suck… finding a job is so hard where I am… grrr.
But now that you mentioned this “black box” under the sink, you have my attention and my curiosity. What is this “black box” you speak of?
Anywho… I personally prefer Burger King over McDonalds, and I do know a lot of stuff that goes on behind the counter, but frankly, I just don’t care… I live in a dirty city, dirty food isn’t much different
IlikePie: Wendy’s here is another fast food burger place thing… yeah. Just like McDonalds or Burger King… but nastier.
Actually having worked for all 3 places at one point. I would like to say that Wendy’s while it looks dirtier on the outside, is actually, in my experience the better place. The food is fresher and better tasting. Just my experience…
The black box… well… the black box is a grease trap that traps all of the grease from the vent system. The black box gets cleaned out only once it gets full… so about once every 3 or 4 months. The grease and fat and oil that is in the box for 4 months begins to decompose, causing it to smell. In order for you to be able to imagine what this smell would be like think about this… Go into a sewer or septic tank, and just swim around for a while. Multiply that smell by about 50. And you have what the decomposing grease smells like… When they do clean the box the smell fills the entire store… its terrible…
*Originally posted by Jubba * Actually having worked for all 3 places at one point. I would like to say that Wendy’s while it looks dirtier on the outside, is actually, in my experience the better place. The food is fresher and better tasting. Just my experience…
I meant food wise… I can’t stand wendys food.
And ew… I can imaging the grease trap. In my kitched we save old jars and we use them to drain grease from pans and stuff when we good, so they are like our grease traps. We don’t throw them out until they are full (which is probably the same amount of time as the mcdonalds ones). Luckily they have lids so you can’t smell them… that is… until you open them. It is a horrible stench indeed.