Some portfolio help

i am making a portfolio for my university interviews, and i had a few ideas floating around my brain and i thought i might show you guys a mock up, so i can get some C&C, so i can really wow these interviewers.

As you can see it is far from finished, the main thing i want to know is wether or not i should stay on this track or not …

thanks guys


i like it all, except for one thing, the left corner sort of design/shape thing. it seems out of place, maybe remove it.

looks a tad too charged for me… maybe lighten up shapes/colors/images ?

i like it, but something strikes me as odd - only real way i can form this into a thought is that the red heated image just contrasts too sharply with the cloud/field image - it just feels like 2 different styles combating each other for my eye’s attention, not to mention the 3rd style of vector style graphics at the bottom.

One problem people are having with the color is due to the way color is ‘seen’ by the eye. The warm colors tend to come forward and cool colors tend to recede. We can use this in design to help push the background elements back by cooling them off and bring buttons and other things that are meant to stand out forward by using warmer colors. Basically, use cool colors for backgrounds and warm or warmer colors for the foreground.

Brian Mennenoh

whoah…this guys learneded in design

the big problem I have is that everything competes equally. Meaning nothing jumps out. And there is entirely too much going on IMO. Also lose the honeycombs. way too overused. But it is a nice start I would like to see how content will come into play on this one.

WOW, thanks guys !!! i have read what you have all said and all very good points i love it when people tell it how it is without worrying about stepping on peoples toes !! :beam:

thanks again kirupians an i will post again with a something new … hopefully it will be better !!!


wow, this looks like WZ street in Warsaw, Poland. :slight_smile:

the whole things tooo busy. get rid of them hexagon things, make sure that small square is centered properly, and instead of having this picture in a frame in another picture feel, id simplify that frame a little so the whole thing isnt so…busy.