Ok I’ve taken a completely different direction with this portfolio now and come up with this design.
The menu will be underneath the bit that says “home” in that empty box.
/awaits feedback
Ok I’ve taken a completely different direction with this portfolio now and come up with this design.
The menu will be underneath the bit that says “home” in that empty box.
/awaits feedback
Ok good start. The layout and design now needs some sort of info and text.
Yep I’m thinking any text (like an intro) will go in that triangle box, and the buttons to other sections in the rectangle at the bottom. The images in the two main boxes will change with each section ( although I’m thinking of taking out that pic of me and putting it in the “bio”. But cant work out what to put there for the home page.)
I will do more when I have time.
and thanks :).
maybe needs a something a bit bright…otherwise it’ll look dark and not in a good way. Needs a small amount of light, not sure what though, but yeah it’s a good start :thumb:
Cool thanks I’ll try and add something too it to liven it up… I think changing that picture in the small box could do it. We’ll see. TOO MUCH HOMEWORK! >_< lol I want to get back to it.
Trust me David, finish your homework first then play around because once you start playing around, you wont decide to go back to hwk. Wait a second, what am I doing on the forum now?
hehe yeh its like that. sigh I can’t wait to start doing this at uni instead of maybe 4 times a week in graphics/art class.
nice! much better than your last post david…if i were you i would turn the left two boxes into 1 tall one…
i think it wud improve the balance of the page…
Ok I’ve finally found some time to work on this again, it’s changed a bit. Do you think I’m heading in the right direction?
it’s certainly a bit brighter now but I liked the individual images, now it looks like the same image repeated in the top & the left. I liked the images you used last time they were unique but just a bit too dark.
Maybe try changing the left hand image cause the top one looks ok, however you’ve lost all your colour as well now. You had colour, it was just to dark and now you’ve removed the dark images but your colour along with it.
I’d maybe change both images, but it still looks promising :thumb:
haha, it’s the same image thats why
Ok I’ll try putting the old ones into the lighter background.
ok what about this? Personally I like the other one better, having the different photos seems to break it up too much to me.
better :thumb:
but I don’t like the left hand image…the other 2 look good but the left hand one…sucks to be honest…
I like the one before this last one. It has less lines and a crisper feel to it. I also like that not all of the sections have image bg’s. I might even only put an image in one section and have the other ones solid colors. Speaking of colors. I think some colors would be better than the monochromatic look. maybe some rich dark colors.
Yeh I thought the same thing, I might take the image out of that left panel and just leave it on the top right one. What do you mean by rich dark colours? Can you give me an example?
no dave we cant - do your own work hahhahahhaaa just joking!
its look pretty sweet now - much better than the first design u posted!!!
Keep going!!!
haha, thanks ben, I’ll work on it more tomorrow and see if the guys can help me out with it at the course.
Layout looks familiar. Can’t place a finger on it though. And there is the dang Arrow in a box thing. It’s way over used.
Yeh lol, that is what a few people have told me and I was thinking about changing it. Oh well… its only a temporary portfolio until I know a bit more about html and such.
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