one more, click Select Side Image Position, and scroll down all the way to last car, its all white and it does nothing…i think you may need to remove it or something
i can’t seem to find anything else…i am really impressed, one thing you may want to consider for a future version of this autowrap thing is having a rotational car instead of 3 stationary views, it would look hella cool if you could view car in 360 viewing it from side to side!!! keep up the good work and good luck =) =)
just when i thought i was done…if you click add text, and you have added MANY MANY dif text in dif areas…, then decide you want to chg color of car to see how it looks on black ( ), so you click select actual color and chg it 2 black WOW it looks good now…i think i want to add text to the drivers door…WHAM all text is gone… :*( noooooooooooooooooooooooo
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**thanks Mak, that button was supposed to be eliminated… oops…
and the client wants a 3d rotating view…
find me the tech… I will make it happen…
Rev **
i seen sen post in a rotational tree thread b4, but combining something like that with this would be like those M$ commercials with the chg of color of a car with a single button click…impossible right now?
Originally posted by Makaveli *
**just when i thought i was done…if you click add text, and you have added MANY MANY dif text in dif areas…, then decide you want to chg color of car to see how it looks on black ( ), so you click select actual color and chg it 2 black WOW it looks good now…i think i want to add text to the drivers door…WHAM all text is gone… :( noooooooooooooooooooooooo
edit: same thing with custom art **
i like the garage thing you added!!
the load time on the whole thing is really bad…will there be some sort of preloader?